Raw Industrial Clay for the Production of Expanded Clay, Cement, Ceramics, Bricks

The Use of our Raw Clay

Only certain Clay rocks are suitable for the production of expanded clay. The most suitable are montmorillonite and hydromicaceous clays. The essence of expanded clay production is the preliminary processing of raw clay, which gives raw granules of a certain size, firing them in special drum ovens to obtain a specific structure and gradual cooling.

Clay is another important raw material used in cement production. It is usually obtained from clay mines or shale deposits. The clay is then mixed with limestone and other materials to form a raw mix that is fed into a kiln for processing. 

Clay is the primary raw material in ceramics, offering plasticity and moldability.

Clay is one of the most abundant natural mineral materials on earth. For brick manufacturing, clay must possess some specific properties and characteristics. Such clays must have plasticity, which permits them to be shaped or molded when mixed with water; they must have sufficient wet and air-dried strength to maintain their shape after forming. Also, when subjected to appropriate temperatures, the clay particles must fuse together.


Expanded Clay – Final Product from our Raw Clay